
Description: Battledress Flash – ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ORDNANCE CORPS

Condition: Very Good

Comments: Worn by the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC) after 1960 on battledress uniform.

The Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC) is the Corps within the Australian Army concerned with supply and administration, as well as the demolition and disposal of explosives and salvage of battle-damaged equipment. The Corps contains clerks, operator supplies (including q-store staff, warehouse staff and food technicians), petroleum operators, parachute riggers and ammunition technicians. Members of the Corps are nicknamed Roaches.

Unlike other Corps within the Australian Army, there are no longer any RAAOC specific units, instead RAAOC sub-units sit within mixed units such as Combat Service Support Battalions (CSSBs) or Force Support Battalions (FSBs). RAAOC is also responsible for clerks and quartermaster store staff in all Australian Army Units.

The Corps traces its history back to federation where General Edward Hutton started the Australian Army Ordnance Corps. The Corps gained its Royal prefix for its work during the Second World War.

The RAAOC motto translates from Latin to ‘To the warrior his arms, to the thunderer his thunder bolts’. The RAAOC badge originates from the Board of Ordnance in the United Kingdom.

On 31 May 1973 the Royal Australian Army Service Corps ceased to exist and the responsibilities of road, transport, air dispatch and postal functions were handed over to the Royal Australian Corps of Transport (RACT) who were formed on 1 June 1973. The responsibilities of provision of foodstuffs and POL (petrol oil lubricants) was handed over to the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC).