Description: Australian Army – 1st Commando Regiment Stable Belt – Circa 1980s
Condition: Very Good
Comments: Australian Army – 1st Commando Regiment Stable Belt – Circa 1980s. Size Medium.
A rare item worn by some Officers and Senior NCOs during the early to mid 1980s. This one is attributed to Lieutenant Darcy Hassett who was posted to 1st Commando Regiment during the 1970s and 1980s. No size label but appears to be Small.
1st Commando Company
The Unit headquarters is located in Randwick, New South Wales. 1 Commando Company (1 Cdo Coy) is located in HMAS Penguin, Balmoral, NSW. 2 Commando Company (2 Cdo Coy) is located in the historic Fort Gellibrand at Williamstown, VIC. 301 Signal Squadron (301 Sig Sqn) has its headquarters at Randwick and elements of the squadron are located in Sydney and Melbourne with each Commando Company. 1st Commando Regiment is organised similarly to 2nd Commando Regiment (formerly, 4th Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment), which is a regular Commando unit also serving in SOCOMD. The commando companies are made up of a headquarters, three commando platoons, a reconnaissance platoon, a training platoon and integral combat service support elements.
2nd Commando Company
The 2nd Commando Regiment (2 Cdo Regt) is an Australian Army Special Forces unit, it is one of three combat-capable units within the Australian Special Operations Command. The regiment was established on 19 June 2009 when it was renamed from the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando) (4 RAR (Cdo)). The unit is highly regarded by coalition special operation forces abroad.
War Fighting is the predominant role of the Commando Regiment and it was raised to assume the offensive special operations tasks that were previously conducted by SASR, this focuses on many aspects of unconventional warfare. The unit may be tasked, but is not limited to Advanced Force Operations, Direct Action and Recovery, Strike, CSAR, Foreign Internal Defence and Protective Security Details.