Description: Australian Army Public Relations Service (PR) – Shoulder Title – Brightshine.
Maker’s Name: N/A
Condition: Very Good
Comments: Australian Army Public Relations Service (PR) – Shoulder Title – Brightshine.
The AAPRS was established on 31 Mar 1994 after existing as a specialisation in the Australian Army Education Corps. The AAPRS traces its history to the work of C.E.W. Bean, the official correspondent with the 1st Australian Imperial Force.
AAPRS officers provide specialist public affairs advice and support to commanders at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. Soldiers within the AAPRS are employed as either visual communicators, who are highly trained in photography and video, or as reporters who primarily support and produce the Army Newspaper.
The AAPRS provides support to Army and ADF operations, exercises and activities, both domestically and overseas. AAPRS tasking can range from the provision of wide range of standard public affairs support to regional community relations activities through to gathering high quality public relations product (video, stills and text) in areas of operation for release in direct support of strategic communications objectives.
AAPRS personnel are required to maintain their specialist skills together with a high level of individual readiness for operational deployment.