Description: Barracks Patch – Australian Defence Force – Joint Proof and Experimental Unit.
Condition: Very Good
Comments: Barracks Patch – Australian Defence Force – Joint Proof and Experimental Unit. Complete with velcro backing.
Formed on 1 May 04, it is responsible for the static and dynamic testing of all ADF weapon systems which involve the use of high explosive ordnance – from small arms to stand-off missile componentry.
It was created as a direct command business unit of the recently formed Joint Logistics Group (JLG) to amalgamate under a single headquarters the previously semi-autonomous Proof and Experimental Establishments at Port Wakefield SA and Graytown Vic.
The unit is an integral part of the process that enables the respective service Technical Regulatory Authorities to ensure that weapon systems and their ordnance is Safe and Suitable for Service (S3). The JPEU supports the S3 process by being an ISO9000:2001 quality accredited organization. It is also currently undergoing assessment by the Director of Technical Regulation – Army (DTR-A) to become an accredited engineering organization (AEO). On current indications, this goal will be achieved by Christmas.
Headquarters JPEU, located at Defence Establishment Orchard Hills, commands the two Proof and Experimental Establishments, at Port Wakefield (P&EE PW) and Graytown (P&EE GT). P&EE GT also commands two detachments; the Munitions Test Centre (MTC) Benalla, Vic, located within the ADI Ltd ammunition manufacturing facility there, and the Small Arms Test Centre (SATC) Mulwala, NSW, located within the ADI Ltd facility there.