Description: Colour Patch – 12th/40th Battalion (Royal Tasmania Regiment) – Manufacturer’s Error.
Condition: Mint
Comments: Colour Patch – 12th/40th Battalion (Royal Tasmania Regiment) – Manufacturer’s Error.
The 12th/40th Battalion, Royal Tasmania Regiment, is an Army Reserve infantry battalion of the Australian Army.
The 12th/40th Battalion, Royal Tasmania Regiment (12/40 RTR), is part of the 9th Brigade, 2nd Division.
12/40 RTR traces its lineage to 1878, when the Tasmanian Volunteer Rifle Regiment was formed. The modern Battalion was raised in 1987, and currently has two Companies.
Alpha (A) Company in northern Tasmania draws its heritage from the 12th Battalion, first raised in World War I. Bravo (B) Company in the south (Hobart), draws its lineage from the 40th Battalion. Today, 12/40 RTR is the largest Army unit in Tasmania and has a high profile in the community.
12/40 RTR activities are focused on domestic training and Disaster Aid to the Civil Community (DACC) tasks, as well as overseas operations. The Regiment actively contributes to 2nd Division’s war-fighting capabilities and generates collective elements for offshore operations.