
Description: Colour Patch – 1st Military Police Battalion.

Condition: Mint

Comments: Colour Patch – 1st Military Police Battalion.

Reference: POL0001

The 1st Military Police Battalion (1 MP Bn) performs a key role by providing deployable Military Police (MP) elements and a policing service to the Australian Army.

The role of Military Police is to be ready to operate as part of Army’s contribution to a Whole of Government response to international, regional and domestic threats and humanitarian and emergency operations. Dynamic operational environments require that MP Force Elements must be optimised for operational relevance as a key command and control enabler through:
• Law enforcement
• Mobility and manoeuvre support
• Security
• Internment and detention operations
This is achieved through the employment of General Duties MP, Military Police Dogs and Close Personal Protection Operators. At a strategic level Provost Staff provide advice on the employment of MP and conduct in the legal framework from a policing perspective.
1 MP Bn sub-units are located in most major Army bases around Australia and comprises a headquarters (Bn HQ), two General Duties MP Companies (MP Coy), an Army Reserve (ARes) MP Coy and a Specialist MP Coy.
1 MP Bn conduct policing activities beyond the capability of other regulatory or law enforcement agencies as it possess the combat survivability required to execute policing tasks where the operational uncertainty precludes or restricts operations by civilian police.