
Description: Colour Patch – 7th Signal Regiment.

Condition: Mint

Comments: Colour Patch – 7th Signal Regiment.

Reference: SIG0002

7th Signal Regiment (7 Sig Regt) is a member of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals and is a unit of the 6th Brigade (CS&ISTAR).
The unit provides tactical Electronic Warfare support to the Army in times of peace, crisis, and conflict on any operation anywhere in the world. The unit does this through listening to adversarial communication systems or, to a limited extent, disrupting those communication systems to protect our own forces on the battlefield. 
7 Sig Regt operates a large range of complex, state-of-the-art electronic intercept and monitoring equipment in the tactical environment. This can either be from a building inside a protected base, in the back of an armoured vehicle or on foot alongside combat elements. 
The unit has a long history of providing Electronic Warfare support to Australian Military Forces since its inception at Borneo Barracks, Cabarlah in 1948. The unit has gone through many changes since World War Two, from the Australian Special Wireless group, 101 Wireless Regiment and in 1963 the unit became the 7th Signals Regiment. 
In recent years, 7 Sig Regt has had elements serve on active duty in Bougainville, East Timor, Solomon Islands, Iraq, and Afghanistan.