Description: Royal Australian Corps of Transport – Hat Badge – Anodised.
Maker’s Name: N/A
Condition: Very Good
Comments: Royal Australian Corps of Transport – Hat Badge – Anodised. Complete with 2 pins.
The Royal Australian Corps of Transport is a corps within the Australian Army. It was formed in 1973 and is responsible for the operation of army surface transport assets.
The role of the RACT is to control and operate Army owned surface transport, other than unit transport, and to provide movement control, terminal, postal and Army aspects of air logistic support. As such members of the corps are employed in a variety of roles, including:
* Road Transport,
* Movements,
* Air Dispatch,
* Postal,
* Water Transport, and
* Terminal Operations.
The RACT was formed on 1 June 1973 from and amalgamation of a number of functions of two existing corps: Royal Australian Army Service Corps (RAASC) and Royal Australian Engineers Transportation Service (RAE-TN). From RAASC the new corps gained the responsibilities of road and amphibian transport, air dispatch and postal functions, whilst from RAE-TN it gained water transport, terminal and movements roles. The remaining RAASC functions such as the provision of foodstuffs and petrol, oils and lubricants were subsequently allocated to the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC), with RAASC ceasing to exist on 31 May 1973.