Description: Squadron Patch – 38 Squadron RAAF – United Nations Military Observer Group India & Pakistan (UNMOGIP)
Condition: Very Good
Comments: Unofficial Squadron Patch – 38 Squadron RAAF – United Nations Military Observer Group India & Pakistan (UNMOGIP). Worn only by a small amount of RAAF personnel attached to the UNMOGIP Air Unit. Circa 1975-1979.
No. 38 Squadron is a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) transport unit. It was formed in 1943 and saw service during World War II transporting supplies and personnel between Australia and the combat zones in New Guinea and Borneo, using Douglas Dakota aircraft. Following the war, the squadron conducted regular courier flights between Australia and Japan in 1947 and 1948. No. 38 Squadron was deployed to Singapore from 1950 to 1952, supplying Commonwealth forces engaged in the Malayan Emergency and undertaking courier flights across Asia. In 1954 it became responsible for training RAAF personnel to operate Dakotas.
United Nations Military Observer Group India & Pakistan:
Australian Deployment Dates: 13 August 1948 to 1985.
Strength: Approx 280 ADF personnel including, 96 RAAF personnel with the UNMOGIP Air Unit with an RAAF DHC-4 Caribou (1975 – 79) provided from 38 Squadron.
Area of Operations (AO): India, Pakistan and Kashmir.
Purpose: To supervise the first ceasefire between India and Pakistan in Kashmir, and has remained in place ever since, as Kashmir remains ‘territory in dispute’ under international law. Australia provided 6 man Observer teams serving one or two year tours of duty. During the Vietnam War, Army reservists were used to man the contingent, as the army’s resources were stretched fighting in the Vietnam War.
Comments: Of note, the first and longest serving commander of UNMOGIP was Australian Major General (later Lieutenant General), R.H. Nimmo CBE, who was appointed the Chief Military Observer (CMO) UNMOGIP in October 1950, and he remained in command until his death on 4 January 1966. His 15 year command is a UN record and one unlikely to ever be broken.
In March 1975 to January 1979, an RAAF DHC-4 Caribou from the 38th Squadron, comprising 12 men, conducted operations in support of UNMOGIP on 6-month rotations.
In 1985 the contingent was withdrawn because the government considered Australia was overcommitted to the UN at that time.