Description: Task Group Taji (TG Taji) – Rotation 1 Deployment Patch
Condition: Mint
Description: Task Group Taji (TG Taji) – Rotation 1 Cloth Deployment Patch. Rotation 1 was mainly comprised of Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) soldiers from ‘B’ Squadron, 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (QMI) from Brisbane’s 7th Brigade.
Task Group Taji (TG Taji) is a combined Australian-New Zealand military training force located at the Taji Military Complex northwest of Baghdad.
TG Taji has been deployed to Iraq to support an international effort to train and build the capacity of the regular Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).
The common name for the international training mission is Building Partner Capacity (BPC).
TG Taji’s mission is a training mission and as such the ADF and NZDF troops are operating in a non-combat role.
The combined Task Group consists of around 300 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel drawn largely from the Australian Army’s 7th Brigade, alongside approximately 110 New Zealand Defence Force personnel.
TG Taji comprises trainers, force protection, support and command elements.
TG Taji is undertaking the BPC mission at the request of both the Iraqi and United States Governments.
The BPC mission is critical to the next phase of the Iraqi Security Force’s operations to counter Daesh in Iraq and will help Iraq take responsibility for its own security.
TG Taji became fully operational in May 2015 and is planned to continue for two years. Its progress will be reviewed on a regular basis.